Our last day of snorkeling...
Did you know I've never snorkeled while here on this trip? I did not once put on the fins, mask, and snorkel. I grew up on the beaches of California, spent endless weekends on my grandparent's boat, and snorkeled the shores of Maui more times than I could count growing up. But I never entered the water to see the beauty on this trip...until this morning.
I'm having coffee o'clock with my sweetheart on the lanai. We look tired because we are, lol. Yesterday's day trip to Oahu was so fun and so tiring. We're "feeling" it this morning.
This morning, Bill and I went out alone. Hand in hand, we swam to our favorite snorkeling spot and saw its beauty. The highlights were the turtles. The first one was 15 feet below us, scratching up against the coral and giving his fin a good rub.
But the next one gave me a heart attack, lol.
Bill said, "Oh, look, a turtle!" For some reason, I couldn't see him at all until he was directly under me, looking up into my field of vision with a "Nice to meet you" kind of look. He startled me so badly that I almost walked on water. We were inches apart, face to face.
This photo shows just how well we've relaxed and refreshed ourselves. Bill would be the first to admit he's not very good at slowing down. It took three weeks to accomplish the goal of total relaxation, but I believe he figured it out.
Of course, Bill got a good chuckle, and then we returned to shore.
Once we reunited with the kids, we shared the story, and Bekka spoke the perfect truth when she said, "Turtles are the puppies of the sea." And so they are! This is a perfect description. They are always curious about what you are doing and have zero problem swimming right up to you and saying, "Hello." It was the perfect way to end our snorkeling swim time here on this trip. Tomorrow is our last full day on the island. Only Abby is anxious to get back and start packing for college. The rest of us are ready for another adventure.