Who said what will remain anonymous, but here is a list of things my family said during our three-week vacation that made us giggle:
"Yum! This water is…watery."
"Pee in the ocean, the fish do."
"Ask an ADHD person to say something random. They won't disappoint you."
"I have two things to say. 1) Explosive diarrhea sucks. 2) I don't have it."
"May I use your hairbrush?" - Said Solomon, who has a military buzz cut.
"Where's Bekka?"
"Asleep in the closet."
"Bomb, bomb, bomb!" - Yelled to his brother while playing a video game on the plane.
"I left my teeth out and at home."
"The grounds manager is serving my ties." - speech to text.
"Is it coffee o'clock, steak o'clock, or chocolate o'clock?"
"Do you accept bribes?"
"No, I accept money."
"I don't know where I sleep."
"We're NorthWest. But keep in mind I don't know my left from my right, so we could still be screwed."
"Left the door open again, and a bird got in the house. It flew out."
"I'm high on the island, near water."
"Mom is religiously FALLING the speed limit SIDES until you tell her the popo gone." - Speech to text, even I don't understand it. lol
"I locked Abby's shoes in the safe and won't tell her the combo."
"See one so pre-ground for a cone ship shaped coffee maker would be good." - Again speech to text. We have issues. lol
"Don't drive on those, they jiggle my butt."
"We're surrounded."
"Good, now we can fire in every direction."
"Angry face." - said when someone didn't get her way...every time.
"I saw a green gecko."
"Was he selling you insurance?"
"Wedgie-kini" - the nickname for g-string bikinis
"Turtles are the puppies of the sea."
"I accidentally burned rubber out of the church parking lot...twice. We need to find another church."
That’s a wrap. Today was our last full day in Hawaii. Tomorrow we begin the journey home, but the adventure never ceases.