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21 Days for 25 Years - Day 3

We crashed. All this rest and relaxation got to us, and no matter how hard we tried, we kept taking naps today. I think that’s a good thing, however. We already knew we were workaholics. Both Bill and I love to work; it fulfills us deeply. But at some point, we knew all this forward momentum would have to stop for rest.

So, today, we rested. I wish it were glamorous resting like in the movies: women in long flowing dresses draped beautifully across lounges while nibbling on the freshest, choicest fruits of the land. But no. That’s not how it was at all.

One moment, I was sitting on the couch. The next moment, I had fallen over and was drooling all over the throw pillows. Abby crashed on the corner of a bed she sat on momentarily. Bekka slept sitting up with her head full back and mouth wide open. And everyone else was sprawled throughout the condo.

Even when we woke up, we didn’t feel refreshed. Maybe we started drinking whatever Solly had? Whatever it was, it hit hard and was ruthless.

We did have brief moments of sobriety, and during those times, we attempted a walk on the beach. However, we only ever made it to the sea wall and the small beach on the other side.

All in all, it was a great day, and we hope that after an excellent night's sleep, we will have reset our bodies.

Oh, and Solly fell asleep again before we got him in bed. See? Pure exhaustion. At least this time, he fell asleep in his pajamas. We're inching closer to normal.

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