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The day of "everything must go"...

Updated: Oct 15, 2024

Thursday came and went. We still do not have possession of the Raptor. They said they needed a few more days before it was ready for delivery. That's fine; we just pivoted to clearing out the garage and finishing packing up the rest of the house.

At this stage in packing, it was "everything must go." So, like a well-organized online dating service, we spent days matching our free stuff with worthy recipients. We must be good at this service; many happy new couples are in Vail, Tucson, and even as far out as Tombstone. Ha!

I need to get back to matching stuff with people, so I will leave you with a few gems we found this week while cleaning out the garage...

The kids never believed their Daddy had long hair at one time. He's always trying to convince them that he is good at ponytails. I found evidence, and they are now all believers. Lol.

They have spent the past two days shredding old tax documents, which we have been hoarding for over 15 years. Whoops.

This is a five-gallon bucket of the medication Zeke used to be on. I guess I was saving it in case natural holistic methods didn't work. God sure showed them, didn't He? Healing comes from the Lord and His creation, not from poison. It felt terrific to dispose of all that crap!

She just turned 15, so it was a good time to let her drive the van around the loop in our backyard. She thought it was awesome and now needs serious work on how not to slam on the brakes when I say, "Okay, stop here." The seatbelts were adequately tested, lol.

I found a box labeled old phones, tablets, and computers. Bill said me submerging them in water would take too long, so he "Robin Hood'd" them. The kids would run to retrieve his arrows after he ran them through about 10-20 times each device. Bill is convinced we must keep that extra-large trash dumpster to have something to fire into. Getting a ginormous dumpster was one of the best things we've done for this move. It's unbelievable how much junk needs to be thrown away.

In theory, we get possession of the Raptor on Monday or Tuesday. However, it will come when it comes. For now, we are happy and having fun.

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